SatLex Digital - português [pt]
  Quarta | 12/03/2025
Notícias SatLex
Idioma: português [pt]
english [en]deutsch [de]română [ro]italiano [it]français [fr]

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Notícias :: Notícias SatLex

Notícias SatLex 2005 Feed RSS 2.0
Feed Klipfolio
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29/06/2005 From today on SatLex is also available in Portuguese! pt
27/06/2005 24 new pictures from Italy in the international gallery!
26/06/2005 7 new pictures from Thailand in the international gallery!
Additionally there are 3 new pictures of a gregory MasterFocus antenna with a diameter of 120 cm and 10 pictures from Lithuania.
24/06/2005 SatLex has been extended by a new navigation level. Thus, the satellite related news could be grouped by country.
New feeds: DIGITALT.TV (DK) and Digitale kabeltelevisie nieuws (NL)
The sitemap is being built only using CSS and it shows 4 navigation levels!
21/06/2005 The entire SatLex output complies now with the "CSS 2.0" standard.
19/06/2005 New sorting by name of the FTA channels from Romania.
600,000 visitors after 915 days!!!
18/06/2005 The entire SatLex output complies now with the "XHTML 1.0 Transitional" standard.
15/06/2005 New in satellite news area: Postings from a satellite board in Romanian. (RSS Feed)
05/06/2005 From today on SatLex is also available in Polish! pl
3 new pictures of a FiboStop antenna and 2 new PFA pictures from Joe Kerber (Brazil)!
07/05/2005 8 new configurations for 8 participants with 3 LNB (2nd option), 8 participants with 4 LNB (2nd option), 8 participants with 5 LNB (1st option), 8 participants with 5 LNB (2nd option), 8 participants with 6 LNB (2nd option), 8 participants with 7 LNB (1st option), 8 participants with 7 LNB (2nd option) and 8 participants with 8 LNB (2nd option).
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